Charlie Murphy aka Leroy Smith?!

June 15, 2009
Charlie Murphaaaay

Charlie Murphaaaay

What the hell is Charlie Murphy up to now? I discovered a link to his new website where he assumes the roll of Leroy Smith, the most influential basketball player of all time. Leroy beat Michael Jordan out for the last varsity basketball spot in 10th grade, and we all know Michael went on to achieve almost immortal status as an athlete. Which brings us to Leroy being the most influential basketball player of all time.

Now at first I thought this site was built to promote a new movie. A quick check on over to proved that assumption wrong. So what the hell is Charlie trying to do with this site? What is he promoting? The answer to that is still not clear… but take some time to check out the site, there are loads of gags and cheesy videos to make this site achieve viral status by tomorrow morning. Also, make sure you play the video game! It is hilarious and fun. Sad to say I am referencing it as one of my favorite Internet games of all time. Yup. Check out the game here or check out the entire site here.